Maypole dancing and merriment

Preparing to turn back time at St Marks.

PREPARE to dance around a maypole as May Day Merriment comes to St Mark’s, Warwick, on Sunday 1 May.
“Oh I remember when we did it at primary school … and it would be so much fun to do it again!” has been the response from so many after they heard that there would be a maypole set up in St Mark’s Anglican Church grounds on May Day.
Members of Warwick’s Society for Creative Anachronism – Canton of Stegby will be erecting and decorating a maypole from around 11am on Sunday.
There will be a display of maypole dancing from 1.30pm after which, there will be the opportunity for all to “have a go”. A chance for some grandparents to show off.
The wonderful acoustics of the sandstone church will be showcased from 11.30am with an hour long Music on May Day concert.
The talents of the recently formed Warwick Community Orchestra and the long-established popular East Street Singers (dressed in their medieval costumes) and introducing Crescendo, a group of friends who play recorders will provide the entertainment.
Tickets are on sale at the door and will include a light lunch to be served in the hall at the end of the concert.
Admission $10 adult, $8 concession and $5 child, and all tickets include the light lunch and tea, coffee or cordial.
Flyers detailing the times of all of the events on Saturday 30 April and Sunday 1 May 2016 are available from St Mark’s, by emailing or visiting