Taking art to the streets

Guido and one of his projects.

RENOWNED street artist Guido van Helten is on his way to Stanthorpe later this month as part of the First Coast Festival.
The event, Toowoomba’s hugely popular street art festival, is expanding and Stanthorpe is proud to be one of its first ‘satellite’ murals.
The Brisbane-born artist recently made world headlines when he painted a striking portrait in an incinerator in Chernobyl as part of the 30th commemorations.
The piece – which was created in six hours – was the first street art mural permitted inside the disaster zone.
“It’s just an eerie feeling to know there is this constant threat of radiation around,” Guido said.
“I had an underlying sense of feeling uncomfortable. Usually I always wear a mask but I don’t need full-length clothes. Some of the other people who were there were just wearing T-shirts.”
The artist said the work was created with assistance from Chernobyl district authorities and military officials kept him under close watch while at the reactor.
Back home, Guido attracted attention with his 30-metre high depiction of four farmers in regional Victoria. Visitors drove for hours to see a giant mural on disused wheat silos overlooking the tiny, drought-stricken Wimmera community of Brim.
Stanthorpe Art Gallery director Nicola Holly is excited about the street art project.
“Guido is one of the best contemporary artists in the country and we are extremely proud to welcome him to Stanthorpe,” she said.
“We had an overwhelming positive response to our first mural in February by ‘Drapl’ and want to continue placing public works of art in the region.”
“Murals are the best way to bring colour and life into a town – they uplift people and create a sense of civic pride in the region. We’re hoping to bring more talented artists to Stanthorpe as the year continues.”
Two years ago, curator Grace Dewar kicked off the First Coat street art festival – an event that’s seen over 50 walls in Toowoomba given mural makeovers from street artists – from a purple Steve Irwin on the side of an empty lot, to a two-storey high elephant in a laneway off the main street. The event is now branching out to other regions.
“We are very flattered and honoured that First Coat invited Stanthorpe to be a part of their festival,” Nicola said. “We would like to thank them for their efforts in bringing such an incredible artist to our region.”
Catch Guido van Helten painting at 16 Maryland Street, Stanthorpe, on 26 and 27 May.
Follow First Coat on www.facebook.com/first.coat.festival