Slade stir

While tenders for Slade Campus only close today, a change of zoning in this precinct has already been included in the council’s proposed planning scheme.
The Southern Downs Regional Council has put the proposed scheme out for public comment and it has only been during this period that the Slade Lives Again group, which is submitting a tender for Slade Campus, has been made aware of this proposed zoning change.
This latest move by the council has added even more fuel to the fire during the tendering process, after the council had already spoken to parties interested in the purchase of Slade Campus that had not been asked to submit a tender.
Slade Lives Again president Ian Perkins was amazed that the council proposed a change of zoning from Residential to Residential Choice when the property was part of a tender process.
“I’m flabbergasted. It does make me wonder how we can trust this council,” Mr Perkins said.
“With this change to the zoning, it does make Slade a lot more valuable. I think it has increased the threat of residential development on this land,” he said.
Mr Perkins said the proposed change of zoning could potentially allow a high density residential development to be built on Slade Campus that could include 400 two-bedroom units.
Mayor Ron Bellingham said it was more appropriate for the council to zone Slade Campus as Residential Choice at this stage, however, the council was committed to honouring the tender process.
“There’s very, very little difference between the two zones,” Cr Bellingham said. “The council is committed to the tender process at this stage,” he said.
Submissions on the proposed planning scheme must be lodged by close of business on Friday, September 16, in order to be considered by the council.

Story: Rebecca Brown