PM deserves respect

The leader of the LNP and the unelected opposition have, through a very willing national press, been working themselves into a frenzy over the carbon levy and a number of other projects our Federal Government is trying to introduce.
No-one can complain about an opposition trying to twist proposed legislation into something their supporters would like to see or to suggest what they might see as improvements, but the loutish behaviour we have heard and seen on radio and TV is not acceptable.
Julia Gillard was elected to the position of Prime Minister of our country in a democratic process and she deserves to be treated with the respect that is due to the position
she holds.
Instead, the LNP and its supporters have labelled her as a liar, a witch and in some instances, a bitch, this type of attack should not be acceptable to any reasonable Australian.
So far as the liar part of this loutish nonsense is concerned, the matter they are referring to is simply a change of mind by a politician and is nothing new to governments around the world.
John Howard with Abbott and Hockey at his side did not bother to stay too close to the truth when it came to his campaigns and he made no effort to apologise when it became obvious that he had seriously
misled us.
When we consider the conduct of the LNP over the past 10 or 12 years we see far worse instances of lying, the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq was saturated with lies that took this country into a most brutal military adventure that was designed for no other reason than to put bigger profits into the bank accounts of already wealthy oil companies.
These lies have resulted in hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan men, women and children dying and millions of people from both these countries being mentally and physically wounded.
Even worse, we now have 29 Australian servicemen who have died fighting under Un-Australian methods of warfare and with no
real aim.
The present LNP opposition are no doubt a poor representation of this country’s people and the thought of having them as the government of our country and Abbott as Prime Minister would surely make even Pig Iron Bob Menzies turn in his grave.

Geoffrey H Gilmour,