A line unseen

Rebellious children always try to push the boundaries and, when they are not trained or restrained, they think there are no rules or laws or order in society; and such are used as expendable pawns to destroy a civilised society before a new world order is imposed. It is all planned but few of the rebels are let into the plans of the insiders. After all, animals are trained if they are useful ,or restrained if they are dangerous. Fortunately there are still a few people who are trained to work. With more people living in de facto relationships to avoid marriage, it may seem curious that the same sex lobby people demand the right to get married. Marrying and partying while they know not probation has closed. But they are just another group used to destroy Christian prohibitions against such relationships. After all, the churches and religions say the Ten Commandments are abolished, so anything is permissible, so now the religions have established their own homosexuals in office. Having broken down the borders of divine law, the next move towards the New World Order is to make Sunday, the first day instead of the divinely ordained seventh day, established with compulsory church attendance and to eliminate competition, close down all Sunday trading with the penalties of starvation and death to those absent from church as predicted in Revelation. They hope to thus elevate church law and traditions above the Bible. There is a line, unseen by human eyes, drawn by God beyond which humanity cannot cross before omnipotence intervenes. Charles Gaitskell, Stanthorpe