Old habits die hard

We are told that ‘The love of money is the root of all evil’ and that previous economies collapsed because the wealth of the known world became the property of a small number of money manipulators, which currently seems to be the lot of today’s victims, with the wealth of the western world now in the hands of the few avaricious, illegal usurious I.M.F – World Banksters, and adorers at their shrine.
Even after the Christian ethic of service oriented leadership became the answer for economic prosperity, it seems that the penny hasn’t dropped for the essential qualities of good leadership to be emulated.
This quality rubbed off on the first 12 volunteers who responded with their service, when the leader insisted on washing their feet. This example, however, is lost to current Papal leadership that advocates world government control.
Service oriented leadership, promoting freedom of expression, contributes the different personal talents to industry development, promoting economic attainment for independence.
The realisation of the widening of horizons is essential for happiness, in human development, but old habits die hard and, if destructive, die they must.

Jim Shanks,
Byron Bay