Wild blooms a rare treat

Boronia granitica flowering stem.

THE Granite Belt’s unique flora will be the focus of some wildflower walks being conducted over the next two months by the Stanthorpe Rare Wildflower Consortium.
The first of these walks well be held on Sunday, on the Hobba’s property at Greenlands, just west of Stanthorpe.
Consortium spokesperson, Liz Bourne, said the walks aimed to show people some of the diversity of the flora of the Granite Belt as well as helping them to identify local species and learn more about their ecological requirements.
She said that anyone with an interest in the Granite Belt’s wildflowers was invited to come along. The group will be meeting at 9.30am at 10 Banksia Lane which will be signposted off Spring Creek Road.
Ms Bourne said that the walks usually took a couple of hours but people were welcome to stay longer if they want to enjoy the diversity of spring wildflowers the area had to offer. Participants should bring a hat and water bottle and wear sturdy footwear. The walk should be suitable for most ages and levels of fitness.
For further information, please phone 4683 6374 or go to www.granitebeltwildflowers.com.au