Rate rise

I am writing in response to the rate rise for the Southern Downs residents. I am hoping this is not seen as too politically incorrect and I wish to point out a few facts.
My family and I moved here from Newcastle, NSW, 16 months ago and would never have moved here if we knew in hindsight what this rate system would impose on us.
We are a pensioner family raising four children. I am at present paying $93 per fortnight to hopefully cover the last financial year rates and if I default on this arrangement, the balance becomes due immediately “with interest”.
When our Mayor Cr Ron Bellingham said “There are no free lunches here in Warwick”, he was 100 per cent correct.
In NSW, our land value was $187,000 and, based on this value, we paid a total of $999 per annum for all services except the water rates which, by the way, were reasonable. We also got a discount on the gas and electricity and, being pensioner owners of the dwelling entitled us not only to a generous discount on these rates but the rates could be paid whenever we could pay it, with no binding contract and totally interest free, or the rates could be deferred indefinitely against the estate. The land value here is $89,000 and the current rates are $2200 per year.
I cannot see the justification of such a huge amount in comparison with the services provided in Warwick and Newcastle.
I have had advice from the Queensland Government Director General who asserts all this is left to the discretion of the council and not directed by the Queensland Government, so all I can say is God help the poor pensioner living in this particular region of South East Queensland with such an arrogant, mean spirited council doing as they please.
The cost of living here is killing us as it is leaving us at least at or below the poverty line. My wife and I are using money saved up for our children’s education to pay the rates within the timeframe of 30 days to receive the discount.
James Harris,