Allora ignored by council

The Southern Free Times letters of September 15 told readers that residents of Allora and the Southern Downs Shire in general, are in conflict over waste and neglect, while impossible demands are made via rate notices.
The recent “gift” of a chicken hatchery upon this tiny township, was not a “gift” it was a predominant display of influence.
In a phone call to the council on the subject, I was not aware of the refined argument that was being presented, and thought for a moment I was speaking to the Australian PM as the story appeared unattached to the questions I had asked. Answers only appeared when demanded.
Since then, phoning the council has ended with no progress, no answer and phone drop outs. In paying rates that have risen by almost $1000 since amalgamation, arrogance has been our receipt.
Those who intend to stand for the council in 2012 as does Kim Olsen (Southern Free Times, September 15) please do not lie to voters. There is no way I will re-elect many of the current councillors. I suppose a Christmas tree in a cage was to be The Southern Downs Regional Council’s message to Allora. You will be confined, you will be ignored, as you are a minuscule, tiny part of the shire, required only to pay your rates on time.
In complaining as I paid the exorbitant rates at the council’s desk, I was reminded of the land valuation increase. That was the last gasp, since my land was valued at $8000 20 years ago. No gold has it produced, no money trees, it has not grown larger and the bloated value is merely a means to an end to gouge ratepayers. Governments on all levels are absolutely one and the same. This beautiful country is being totally destroyed by mining minerals and its citizens’ last dollars. They advance Australia where?

Melba Morris,