Showcasing our community

This weekend’s Community Showcase will be a rare opportunity for the whole Southern Downs community to come together to show what we do – but as it turns out, it will be a lot more infrequent than expected.
Organised by the Warwick and District Country Music Club, secretary Ev Eastwell said members hoped the event would not be a once-off.
The event’s purpose is two-fold; not only does it give community groups an avenue to advertise what they do, but it will also give an opportunity for residents to see for themselves how valuable Slade Campus is to the whole community.
However, since the Southern Downs Regional Council recently rejected the Slade Lives Again tender for the use of the campus by the community, the future of the Community Showcase is unknown.
“We would have made it into an annual event; one that gets bigger and better each year,” Mrs Eastwell said.
“We now may not be able to run this again,” she said.
About 30 groups will participate in this weekend’s showcase, including users of Slade Campus, and two stages will operate to give residents a chance to listen to local talent.
Vintage cars and a jumping castle are also planned for the event.
The Community Showcase will be held from 9am to 5pm on Saturday and 9am to 3pm on Sunday at Slade Campus. Admission is $5, with children free.
With about 185 members, the Warwick and District Country Music Club have decided to donate all proceeds from the showcase to the Warwick Disability Support Group.
If you’re interested in securing a market stall contact Ev Eastwell on 0422 096 990.

Story: Rebecca Brown