Southern Downs may host Jamie Oliver program

Southern Downs residents may have an opportunity to supply produce to Jamie Oliver’s Ministry of Food, which could come to the region to give locals tips on healthy eating.
Southern Downs Regional Council resolved at its general meeting last week to investigate opportunities to fund the program as well as chances for Southern Downs producers to enter into a supply contract for the food for the program.
It’s the council’s intention to submit an expression of interest to bring the program to the Southern Downs in 2012 or 2013, pending the adoption of an upcoming council report.
Mayor Ron Bellingham said there could be not only an economic windfall for the area but healthier and happier communities as a result of Jamie Oliver’s Ministry of Food.
“Through our work with local service providers and community groups and through our participation in the Healthy Communities Network it is apparent that there are issues locally with people not having the essential skills to provide good nutrition for themselves or for their families,” Cr Bellingham said.
“Chronic disease conditions resulting from poor diet and nutrition are on the increase nationally and this is certainly true of our region,” he said.
“Jamie’s Ministry of Food teaches people simple, healthy and affordable
meals.  It aims to give as many people as possible the tools and information they need to make better food choices to ensure healthier and happier communities.
“This would be an opportunity to provide a sound program that has high visibility and potential attraction to local people, particularly because of the connection with such a high profile media chef as Jamie Oliver.
“This is likely to attract interest from those who might not otherwise attend programs, no matter how worthy,” Cr Bellingham said.
It is unknown at this stage whether the celebrity chef himself would visit the region if the program went ahead in the Southern Downs.

Story: Rebecca Brown