Mayor to retire at end of term

A time for change has prompted Southern Downs Regional Mayor Ron Bellingham to announce that he will not be contesting the next election in March.
Instead, the Mayor of 12 years has decided to retire and devote more time to his business interests, family and possibly travel.
“It’s an appropriate time for me. Frankly I think it’s time for a change,” Cr Bellingham said.
“I think the time has come where there needs to be a fresh approach. As I get older, whilst I would love to continue to do the job personally, I think there needs to be a rejuvenation of the political side of the council,” he said.
Cr Bellingham said the current council had laid the foundations for the whole region to move forward together.
Amalgamation had been the most challenging issue during his time in local government, he said.
“The hard yards have been done by this council. Some very hard decisions have been made in the past four years. It definitely has been challenging.
“In a lot of ways, in my position, you felt a sense of powerlessness because a lot of decisions were made at a State Government level, so I felt a degree of frustration.
“In business, when times are tough, you cut your overheads but frankly, in local government, that hasn’t been possible because of the continual requirements put on local government by the State Government.
“I would like to see the constitutional recognition of local government and I think the Federal Government needs to be in a position where it can give more of the income tax to local governments.”
Cr Bellingham felt privileged to be in the top job, which had resulted in many new friends and associates.
“I think the people are the best part of the experience. That’s really what it’s all about.”
Warwick’s 150th anni-versary as a municipality earlier this year will remain a special time during his political career.
He will remain in the Southern Downs, with no plans of ever leaving.

Story: Rebecca Brown