Australian General Service Medal for Warwick resident

Warwick resident Graham Husband was recently presented with the Australian General Service Medal Korea by the Captain of HMAS Sydney, Captain Luke Charles-Jones CSC OAM, at a special ceremony onboard the “Sydney” at Garden Island, Sydney.
The reception was held in the ship’s wardroom where 18 specially selected officers and sailors attended.
The Captain made the presentation, with a short history of Mr Husband’s Naval service.
“I consider the presentation to be an honour and privilege,” Mr Husband said.
“It was great to be back on board a ship of the same name as the one I went to Korea on in 1953.
“My link with the current HMAS Sydney is that I served on the Aircraft Carrier “Sydney” in 1953, 1954 and 1955.
“My rank on paying off from the Navy was Petty Officer Stores Naval. My Naval history is RAN, RANR, RANER and RAFR, spanning the period of June 2, 1952 to March 4, 1990.
“I was very impressed with the modern day sailors and enjoyed the discourse I had with them, especially the female ones. They are highly trained personnel and carry out their duties professionally,” he said.
Mr Husband donated to the ship a framed photograph of his Korean tour of duty in 1953-54.
A reception followed with drinks and food.
The presentation was arranged by Commander Andrew Leary RAN in conjunction with the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs over a 12-month period.