Mother and daughters sure to be a crowd hit at Carols

Erin Hilton glows with pride when talking about her 15-strong girls’ choir who will perform at Warwick’s Carols in the Park, but the ties are more than vocal for two of her students.
Daughters Keely and Tegan will share the stage for several songs, including an a capella number, with their super-talented mum this year.
Erin describes the feeling of watching her daughters perform as “emotional”.
“Watching all the girls perform is easily as big a buzz as when I sing myself, but I have to admit that, when Keely performs a ballad, well, I’ve been known to cry,” she said.
Erin has been performing at Carols since 1991, with her young female choir singing at the event for the past five years.
According to Erin, choir members are ‘beyond excited’ to perform in front of a crowd of several thousand people.
“It’s one of the highlights of the year and, because it’s not a solo performance, there is no pressure on the girls and they can just enjoy the experience as a group,” she said.
“We just love the vibe around town at this time of year and are asked constantly from November onward, ‘when’s Carols?’.”
Last year the girls were set to sing ‘Hallelujah’ by Leonard Cohen before the event was cancelled due to rain but, with urging from parents, who believe the number was a winner, the choir is set for a repeat performance, hopefully against clear blue skies.
“Nobody except the parents got to hear it last year because the event was washed out and it’s a really nice arrangement so I’m sure the Carols audience will appreciate the performance,” Erin said.
Members of Erin’s choir, aged 12 to 19, have been kept very busy in 2011, performing at country music talent quests, in the Warwick High School musical, St Mary’s School musical, a recent cultural concert and at a number of other community events.
Their vocal coach is proud of their cultural contribution to the community and notes that many of the girls have met with great personal success this year.
“Emma Bell has being doing lots of public performances, including the Golf Club; Katie Dennis will be shining in her hometown of Allora at their Bush Christmas on December 9; and Lucy Boland, along with Katie, had starring roles in the High School’s ‘The Boyfriend’ earlier this year.”
Developing young performers is one of the key ingredients of this successful event. Organiser Tracy Vellacott said that, over the years, audiences have applauded young talent and their growth into more mature performers.
“We’ve watched performers like Caitlin Alley and Jenny McDonald develop in confidence and vocal ability and we’ve been proud to give a performance opportunity to the vocal winner of the High School Talent Quest each year for the past five years,” Mrs Vellacott said.
Talent Quest winners have included The Late Arrivals, Brad Davies and Matt Vels, Hannah Daley and Alex Marstella.
Carols in the Park will be held at the Leslie Park Band Rotunda (Palmerin Street) on Sunday, December 18. Entertainment kicks off at 5.30pm, with carols to start at 6.30pm.