Search for economic development officer

There was never any plan of scrapping the economic development officer’s position based in Warwick despite recent media reports to the contrary.
Southern Downs Regional Council acting chief executive officer Tony Minuti told the Southern Free Times that a review of the council’s economic development unit had been completed and advertisements for the new Warwick-based economic development officer would be placed in January.
Mr Minuti said the council always reviewed any vacancies that come up to make sure that the position was in the best interests of the community and whether any changes to the role were necessary.
“We always review any vacancies that come up so we don’t waste ratepayers’ money,” he said.
“We feel that position (Warwick-based economic development officer) is necessary.”
Mr Minuti said the council understood the importance of economic development to the region and as such an economic brief on the state of the region was conducted each year by an independent body.
“This year’s report showed positive growth in both the Stanthorpe and Warwick areas and the Southern Downs region as a whole in both population and gross domestic product. It painted a positive picture when a lot of places are in decline,” he said.
There will be a number of projects the successful applicant will be involved in, including the development of a tourism strategy and tourism infrastructure plan to take tourism to the next level and identify any shortfalls in this area.
Mr Minuti hoped this plan would be in place in June.
“It’s about making the Southern Downs the destination of choice. The Southern Downs tourism strategy and the local destination action plan have been identified as a priority for the future, building on the diverse regional destinations whilst strengthening the region as a leading inland tourism region in Australia,” he said.
Mr Minuti said the council was in the process of setting up an inter-departmental investment working group to streamline the process for businesses dealing with the council.
This group will hopefully be set up early next year.
“Initially, we’re going to do it for the major projects then we would like to expand it out to all applicants that want to do something here.”
The shop local campaign, identifying opportunities for businesses to tap into the Surat Basin supply chain, and maximising the region’s chances of getting the national broadband network operating in the area as soon as possible will be other focus points for the new economic development officer.

Exclusive story:
Rebecca Brown