Gap in works program at the Gap

The reconstruction at Cunningham’s Gap is tracking well, with six of the 11 pavement reconstruction sites now complete.
The majority of major works is scheduled to be complete at 10 sites by Christmas, weather permitting.
Completing the 10 sites will ensure access for two lanes of traffic through the Gap over the Christmas and New Year period.
No work is planned to be carried out over the holiday season, however, contractors will remain on site to monitor the road and ensure safe travel for all road users.
The remaining site at Clayton’s Gully was the most badly damaged. At this site a new stretch of road 600 metres long and four lanes wide will be built along a new alignment. Work is due to start in early 2012.
At least $40 million has been committed to reconstructing the Gap.
Following the completion of reconstruction at the 10 sites, asphalt repairs and final resurfacing will be carried out. The final asphalting is planned to start in mid-January, weather permitting, following the busy holiday period. The asphalting will be carried out as day works under intermittent stop/go traffic control and is planned to be complete by February.
Major work to clean the rock face above the highway is now complete. The department is rockbolting, shotcreting and installing safety mesh to stabilise the slope near the top of the Gap.
Final post-construction assessments will be carried out to confirm all the identified unstable material has been removed.
The 24-hour stop/go traffic control will remain in place at a number of locations at Cunningham’s Gap, including from the top of the Gap to Fig Tree Gully up until Christmas.
From the Christmas and New Year period onwards the 24-hour traffic control will be removed, with only short term lane closures planned to be in place while the remaining work is under way at the Gap.
While all efforts are made to minimise disruptions, motorists may experience delays.
Restrictions are in place on vehicles over 3.5m wide and/or over 26m long between the helipad and the Gap. These vehicles are encouraged to take alternate routes. Call 13 19 40 for updates.