Loss of a giant

We have lost one of the giants of sport in this country – giant in stature and giant in presence, I refer of course to Artie Beetson.
Rarely if ever, have I heard of anyone as widely respected by all commers as Big Artie. Team mates, opponents, officials, fans, peers and protégés all had nothing but respectful almost hallowed words for the big man.
It is well recorded that he was the first Aboriginal to captain his country in any sport.
Australian, Queensland, Origin, and Roosters captain Arthur Beetson bridged the divide. He was a colossus when he played the game but perhaps his biggest contribution to rugby league came towards the end of his career and after.
When the Blues look in wonderment at the passion of the Maroons and wonder why? And search for the same in the Sky Blue Jersey. They are simply I believe looking for the Artie factor. His passion and pride at donning the maroon jersey for that first ever Origin is something that cannot be replicated. It is where the maroon spirit was born and it is a legacy that will not be dimmed with his passing.
Stories abound of Beetson’s toughness, ability, humility, love of life and humour. Beetson was unique in so many ways. If he saw an injustice he refused to accept it quietly. If he didn’t like something he told people – no matter who they were. He had an opinion and was not afraid to express it. Political correctness was not in his makeup.
His work with indigenous youth often flew under the radar and on the day of his death he was meant to be hosting a day for indigenous children at a Gold Coast theme park.
When the Indigenous Allstars run out onto Skilled Park for the season opener or when the Maroons take to Suncorp next year you just know that Arthur will be not too far away observing what is going on. Let’s hope no-one does anything to upset him. They say the gods can do some damage when they are offended. Just imagine what havoc Big Artie could wreak.
In the meantime expect some of the toughest men to have played the game to shed a tear at next week’s funeral.