Intensive industry application lodged

A proposed development application for 13 meat chicken sheds with a total capacity of 676,000 birds per batch was lodged with the Southern Downs Regional Council last week.
The proposed location is on the property “South Toolburra” between Cunningham and Pratten.
Director Sam Fessey said this intensive industry operation would result in the full-time employment of three to five people as well as a number of casual employment opportunities if it was given the go ahead by the council.
“The application has been designed so it doesn’t upset any local neighbours and doesn’t upset the environment,” Mr Fessey said.
He said although in its early stages of development, the proposal would add another sustainable activity to the Southern Downs region.
“It is adjacent to your grain production areas, and all the manure that is produced can be applied as fertiliser for all types of crops.”
A Southern Downs Regional Council spokesperson said the application had been received by the council but application fees were yet to be paid.
“It will not enter the council’s system until they are paid, at which point it will go through all the normal checks and reviews, including third party checks such as those required from other government agencies.
“It will only have officer recommendations and appear before the council once that process has been completed, and a time frame is not available at this stage, though it is likely to take more than three months,” the spokesperson said.

Story: Rebecca Brown