Candidate announced

Warwick’s Glenn Henry announced this week that he will be running as a candidate in the upcoming Southern Downs Regional Council election.
“I’m relishing this opportunity to present myself as a candidate, and if I’m elected, do my best for the residents of the Southern Downs,” Mr Henry said.
“Southern Downs residents are calling out for new blood. It’s important to have a vision for the future, but first we need to get back to basics by fixing footpaths, damaged roads, playgrounds, and other matters which are of immediate concern. Ratepayers deserve value for money,” he said.
Mr Henry said the Southern Downs region includes more areas than just Warwick and Stanthorpe.
“Our smaller towns need to be heard and their needs addressed.
“Our cultural heritage needs to be protected, maintaining our historical streetscapes.
“The new Southern Downs Regional Council Planning Scheme is an excellent framework on which to build the region’s future. It has had input from the council, specialist advisors and, most importantly, the community.
“The plan has an agreed vision: ‘The Southern Downs will be a great place to live; a great place to work and do business; a clean, green, sustainable region; a healthy place; a learning community; and a leading tourism region.
“I support this vision and look forward to being involved in its implementation.”
Mr Henry said there were a number of pressing issues for local residents.
“Our community groups are thriving but need suitable places to meet. The council should ensure there are public facilities for our community groups, preferably utilising assets already owned by the council.,” he said.
“There needs to be more indoor sports facilities for our young people.
“Street signage and road markings are unclear and inadequate. Footpaths are uneven and unsafe. Parks and playgrounds are run down and dirty. These should be brought up to standard quickly.
“I would like to see better rest stops along the New England and Cunningham Highways. The Warwick bypass has been put off for too long, creating danger and traffic congestion.
“Traffic lights are needed at the corner of Wood and Dragon streets, and Albion and Albert streets.
“The council should be more confident in its decisions, rather than paying ratepayers’ money to consultants who tell us what we already know.
“Shoppers have limited choice, more major retailers should be encouraged to set up shop in the region and create jobs in construction, retail, services and the council.
“A safe and reliable water supply is crucial.”
For further details on Mr Henry visit his website at