In response

I refer to MP Bruce Scott’s article “Veterans, war widows deserve better: Scott” (8/12).
The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Booked Car Scheme has been up and running for more than 20 years, providing essential transport services to our veterans and war widows.
Each year, DVA arranges more than 800,000 trips to help veterans and war widows get to and from medical appointments.
Currently, to ensure that DVA continue to provide quality transport services at all times, tenders are being sought from appropriately licensed, accredited and authorised taxi and hire car providers.
Mr Scott’s allegation that by doing so, the care of veterans is not a priority for DVA is plain wrong.
The care of our veterans and war widows using the Booked Car Scheme is one of DVA’s highest priorities – many of the veterans and war widows that rely on the service are frail and elderly and it is critical that service providers are appropriately trained and sensitive to their additional needs.
DVA’s priority in selecting providers is ensuring quality and reliability of service, including the availability of mobility features such as wheelchair access in vehicles, together with value for money.
Our veteran community deserve respect and support and both the Australian Government and DVA are dedicated to providing them with the quality support and services they need to lead an independent life every day.
Mr Scott should stop trying to create unnecessary concern amongst our veterans and war widows, their care and wellbeing should always remain above politics. Mr Scott knows he can contact me at any time to discuss veterans’ issues.

Warren Snowdon,
Federal Minister for Veterans’ Affairs