Over $14,000 donated to charity

Warwick residents helped raise more than $14,000 for donation to charities at two of this year’s major events.
At the recent Carols in the Park event in Warwick, Southern Downs Regional Mayor Ron Bellingham presented monies raised at his Warwick 150th Mayoral Gala Charity Dinner to three local charities.
The funds were raised through a black tie dinner and charity auction as part of the celebrations of Warwick’s 150th anniversary of local government in May.
Blue Care Warwick Community Care, Warwick Safe Haven Domestic Violence Shelter and Dementia Support Group Inc Warwick each received $4500 to support their important charitable work.
“These organisations are incredibly valuable in our community and I’m delighted to provide these donations to help them continue to support the community,” Cr Bellingham said.
“I’d like to thank all the businesses and people who donated items for our charity auction or otherwise supported the gala dinner,” he said.
Warwick Blue Care service manager Sue Hoopmann said Blue Care Warwick was extremely grateful for this donation.
“The money will enable our service to help fund a vehicle for our staff to deliver nursing and personal care services to assist in meeting the needs of people in Warwick and surrounding towns,” she said.
Dementia Support Group Warwick organiser Pam Eather said the money would go towards their goal of creating a community dementia respite centre.
“People caring for loved ones with dementia need respite from caring so they can go on caring and sometimes they need a safe place for their loved ones if they have to go away or deal with an emergency,” she said.
“There is only one permanent respite room for dementia sufferers in Warwick so it is very badly needed.”
Warwick Safe Haven’s Bette Bonney said the donation meant even more at this time of year.
“Warwick Safe Haven depends solely on community funds and we need at least $7000 every six months to keep the doors open,” she said.
“Women and children from across Queensland escaping domestic violence have had the opportunity to benefit from the security, comfort and hospitality of our short-term emergency accommodation since May 2010.
“It is very fitting that this boost of funds comes at Christmas when unfortunately there is often a higher demand for domestic and family violence assistance.
“On behalf of the management committee, volunteer staff and clientele, may we express our deepest gratitude to those who gave and to the Southern Downs Regional Council for providing the fundraising opportunity.”
St Vincent de Paul also benefited, with those attending Carols donating more than $530 on the night to the long-term local charity.
“Vinnies has been a long-term supporter of our community, running a homeless men’s shelter in Warwick for 40 years among other good works,” Carols organiser Tracy Vellacott said.