Honouring a little boy

It was with much sadness that on Thursday of last week Peter Blundell and Sarah Reeves discovered their little boy was no longer alive.
As labour had already begun they proceeded with the delivery and Mandela Charles Reeves (Mannie) was born on Friday morning but never had the chance to take his first breath.
His little heart had stopped beating between the final check up on Tuesday and admission to hospital on Thursday – there was nothing that anyone could have done.
Peter and Sarah would particularly like to thank all the staff in attendance at the Stanthorpe Hospital who not only displayed utmost professionalism but amazing compassion during a very difficult situation. They are an absolute credit to their profession.
“We have been overwhelmed by love and support and it is at these times we realise what a wonderful community we belong to,” they said.
While they are both devastated at their loss they would like to honour Mannie’s existence by creating some positive memories.
Many people wonder at such times what they can do and Peter and Sarah have said that a part of what got them through the trauma of the ordeal was the knowledge that while it was terrible, there are many more women around the world who are far worse off and would not have survived due to lack of medical care.
Therefore, for those who have asked how they can help, an account has been established in Mannie’s name and they are asking that any contribution, no matter how small, be placed in this account. The money will be donated for the purchase of Zonta birthing kits to send to women in countries less fortunate than ours.
They will be establishing a formal trust in the long-term in the hope that they can fundraise and lobby for maternity facilities in the region to match the quality of the medical staff.
The bank account details are Sarah Reeves T/F Mannie Reeves; Account Number: 12641979; BSB 638010 (Heritage Bank).