Dead Fish!

When a dam is drained without thought of the consequences to the creatures that live there, the result is catastrophic. This is what happened when our “beloved” council drained the dam at Wallangarra without telling the stakeholders that it was planning such action.
Should we be surprised at this latest stuff up by those elected to serve? No! Indeed they think they are above all law and reason. They have it in their heads that they know what is best for us and make decisions in the belief they can get away with anything. From raising land rates beyond people’s capacity to pay and borrowing and spending money like there was no tomorrow and then coming back and putting their names on the next ballot expecting to get re-elected!
Will the new crop of wannabe councillors be any better? No, I don’t expect they will. They say all the “right” things before an election and once in the driver’s seat it will be business as usual; carrying out the dictates of the State Government.
Quite frankly, residents have had enough of the arrogance of those in high places throughout all levels of government in Australia.
The ‘rulers’ will not take notice of the people until there is a revolt at the ballot box. When enough people put a zero in every box then notice of the discontent will be manifested.

Jay Nauss
Glen Aplin