Two more candidates in the race

Jamie Mackenzie

Jamie Mackenzie has announced that he will seek election as a Southern Downs Regional Councillor in the upcoming election.
A fourth generation Killarney resident, Mr Mackenzie is a beef cattle producer, ratepayer and self-employed town planning consultant with 25 years experience in local government.
“With a love for the region, I will be able to give an informed contribution and professional second opinion on the council,” he said.
“As a town planner, I have been quietly consulting near and far about what is required for the next council. The common thread derived from staff, ratepayers and business people is a need for common sense decisions, cutting of ‘red tape’, the efficient provision of services, value for rates dollars, good communication and support for each local community.”
Born and raised in Killarney, Mr Mackenzie gained tertiary education in Brisbane and has worked around Queensland as a town planner in private enterprise and in local governments in Ipswich, Brisbane, Toowoomba and Emerald.
He is inspired by his late uncle, Ferrier Mackenzie who was a Glengallan Shire Councillor in this area for 20 years.
“He was on the council as a ‘civic duty’, not for any single issue, nor for personal gain. We both agreed on thrift, balance and stability in local government.
“It would be a huge privilege to serve on the council with enthusiasm, energy and direction,” Mr Mackenzie said.
He has developed a 10-point plan that can be seen on his website at

Wilf Sim

Wilf Sim brings an open mind, a solid knowledge of business issues and the willingness to listen to and lobby for the concerns of the community if he is elected as a Southern Downs Regional Councillor in the upcoming election.
Mr Sim’s long-term role in media liaison has given him insight into the resilience and resourcefulness of the region’s businesses, but also made him aware of the challenges and frustrations that businesses face to survive and thrive.
He is passionate about buying local to support the economy. If elected to the council, Mr Sim will strive to increase transparency and accountability, and streamline decision-making processes so that businesses and industry can flourish.
However, business is not his only concern. With his wife Marilyn, Wilf has raised a family in the region and values the lifestyle and natural resources we enjoy locally.
He recognises the importance of balancing development with sustainability and the long-term good of the region.
“This means making sure that new industry will complement, not compromise, the beauty and uniqueness of the area,” Mr Sim said.
A short stint living away from his home town in earlier years was enough to convince Mr Sim that the Southern Downs region contained all he could want and more.
When asked to name his strengths, he concedes his ability to listen carefully and remain ‘grounded’. This will be no surprise to those who know of Mr Sim’s skills in karate, in which self-control and personal ethics are exemplified.
He is a highly ranked instructor. “The sport keeps me fit in body and mind.”
If elected, Mr Sim hopes to contribute to “a cohesive, cooperative and efficient council that can flexibly respond to change, while implementing decisions that reflect the overall vision, values and aspirations of its residents.”