Poker face

Andrew Wilkie, who is a person of integrity, is about to find out that Julia Gillard, to his surprise, is not. Just as she promised no carbon tax, and gave Australia one, Labor is about to do an about face on pre-committment for poker machines, because Labor no longer so desperately needs Andrew Wilkie’s support.
Come the next election Labor will need all the votes and financial donations it can get and, as Andrew Wilkie’s plan to help the addicted gamblers was costing Labor votes, and as any of the clubs who profit out of the addicted gamblers put money into the ALP coffers, Labor will take the opportunity, after the brilliant move of putting Peter Slipper into the Speaker’s chair, of reneging on its promise to Andrew Wilkie, out of pure political expediency.
It is to be hoped the Australian electorate sees through this cynical exercise and vote accordingly.

Bob Vinnicombe