Home schooling increase

It is reported that there could be up to 50,000 children doing home schooling throughout Australia. The exact number may never be known as many are not registered with the authorities.
Why are so many parents home schooling their children? Obviously many parents are not happy with the public school system and have opted out. Since Julia stitched up the national school curriculum deal with the states, to have uniformity throughout Australia, the trend to home school will increase.
What is it that causes parents to forsake the public school system?
Concerned parents see the public schools as change agents and indoctrination centres that promote, along with the three R’s, government spin on a host of issues: climate change, multiculturalism, sex education and the promotion of all kinds of “trendy” ideas, to the proliferation of drugs in the schools. The private schools are not much better either, as their curriculum is dictated by the State.
Governments see home schoolers as a threat in their attempt to indoctrinate children with their propaganda. It is refreshing to see that there are parents who are concerned enough to make the effort to give their children an unbiased education by taking the home schooling route.

Jay Nauss
Glen Aplin