Freedom of speech?

Shock Horror! Gina Reinhart, Australia’s richest woman wants to buy into the Fairfax media empire. This has caused pangs of anguish from the court media critics.
Gina is being accused of wanting to influence public opinion on such “important” matters as global warming and mining. It is, of course okay, for everyone else to promote global warming and environmentalism until the ocean freezes, but Gina is different; she isn’t buying the well funded stories of the court scientists.
Little is said of Murdoch buying more media and how he might be influencing public opinion. But alas, he is of the politically correct brigade, on the side of big government and big business.
Go for it Gina, prove to us that there is some free speech left in this country. Use your wealth to fight the tyrants who would restrict us in what we read and see.

Jay Nauss
Glen Aplin