Stonehenge Road residents send letter to Council concerning road conditions

A joint letter from resident of Stonehenge Road, Leyburn was brought before Council on 28 July.

By Dominique Tassell

A joint letter from resident of Stonehenge Road, Leyburn was brought before Council on 28 July.

The residents wrote to Council “about the condition and design features of the eastern end of Stonehenge Road Leyburn.

The letter stated that “the road surface deteriorates rapidly after grading and would benefit from sealing to prevent costly maintenance”.

“The bend approximately 4750 metres from the Toowoomba Karara Highway intersection has poor drainage and is just like a dam after rain causing waterlogging of the road base and rapid deterioration.

“The area fills with water and narrows the traffic surface area to one lane only on the road.

“The excess water along with the bend in the road restricts visibility and hence is a very significant danger to road vehicles.

“Two photographs showing the excess water lying on the road are included in this letter for your review.

“A causeway could be built at or near this location to prevent the above problem along with the sealing of the road.”

10 residents of Stonehenge Road signed the letter.

Councillor Cynthia McDonald stated in the Council meeting that Council “did speak extensively on this at the last meeting during general business”.

“The deputy mayor brought up the state of our country roads, and certainly I guess this is one that we just need to add to the list.

“And once we actually have a policy up and running that’s certainly something that we can look into.

“And if we can possibly reply from an operational perspective that we certainly are listening and we are putting together a policy which is going to address a lot of these concerns in future.”

The letter was referred to the Manager Works for investigation.