Matter settled

A settlement has been made out-of-court between the Southern Downs Regional Council and the former Warwick-based economic development officer John Randall.
Mr Randall took the council to the Industrial Relations Commission after he was sacked in September last year.
“After seven years of exemplary conduct, without any prior warning, the council wrongfully dismissed me because of actions resulting out of workplace conflict,” he said.
Due to a confidentiality agreement, the terms of the settlement are unable to be disclosed.
“I’m happy with the outcome and getting on with my life,” he said. “At the time, it was really, really tough on my family.”
Mr Randall is now considering the possibility of running for council in the April 28 Local Government election.
“A lot of people are encouraging me to stand for the council but I’m still not convinced that I can value-add.
“I’m really enjoying working in the private sector but then I look at the opportunities that are being missed,” he said.
“Since resolving the case, I am now happily working as a project manager for a number of Brisbane and interstate companies on project proposals in the Warwick/Stanthorpe area.
“I am working across a diverse portfolio including robotics technology, plastics manufacturing, value-added food processing as well as a major international motor sports event at Morgan Park planned for 2013,” Mr Randall said.
Southern Downs Regional Council chief executive officer Rod Ferguson said he was unable to comment on the settlement.
However, Mr Ferguson said, interviews took place last week for a replacement economic development officer.
He said an offer had been made to an applicant and the council was waiting for a reply at time of print.

Story: Rebecca Brown