The lockdown week

By Jeremy Lister, Age 10

Last week Dad went to Brisbane to go to parliament and left parliament on Saturday morning at the time the lockdown started.

So that means that even though we live in Stanthorpe we had to follow the Brisbane lockdown rules once Dad got home.

What’s good is that I could sleep in but once I woke up I got really really bored.

So we did some home schooling which was not fun, kayaking and also went on the buggy, kicked the football around, played handball and watched our iPads.

Luckily we could actually go into town to get essential stuff like groceries (and the newspaper) or it would be a lot worse – but Mum had to wear a mask.

But we missed out on school, cello lessons, swimming lessons in Warwick, two Gremlins training sessions and the Saturday game against Goondiwindi.

William also missed his scout camp and was not happy. I didn’t like being in lockdown when everyone got to be at school and footy.

Dad was only in Brisbane for a few hours on Saturday and he literally just went down the lift from his room at Parliament Saturday morning and straight into his ute, so he didn’t even see another person.

Since the Brisbane lockdown ended on Sunday we could go back to school today (Monday). I’m really happy that the latest lockdown has ended but I think that there will be lots more lockdowns.

Hopefully everyone who can gets vaccinated soon, follows the rules and things can get back to Covid normal soon.