Three Ways To Drive Safely

It’s Road Safety Week from 16-20 August, so here’s three ways to stay safe on our roads.

It’s Road Safety Week from 16-20 August, so here’s three ways to stay safe on our roads.

1. Always wear a seatbelt

You have a vastly greater chance of surviving a collision if you wear a seatbelt, which reduce the risk of death by as much as 60 per cent. Every passenger in the car should buckle up for every trip, no matter where you are going or how short this trip is. It is also recommended that age-appropriate child restraints for children under 4 years and booster seats for older children up to ten years of age or 135cm tall are used.

2. Watch your speed

Excessive or inappropriate speed contributes to 1 in 3 road traffic deaths. The greater your speed, the higher the risk of a crash – and the more likely it is that this crash will cost someone their life.

With an impact speed of 80 km/h, the likelihood of death in a crash is 20 times what it would be at an impact speed of 30 km/h. So slow down; know the traffic rules, and always keep to the speed limits!

3. Don’t drive tired

As the campaign saying goes, “arrive alive, don’t drive tired“. It’s recommended that drivers take a break every two hours. which can be as easy as stopping for a drink or snack at the servo on the way to your destination. If you’re driving a long distance with other people in the car, try sharing the drive so that everyone gets a break.