Living sin free

I just had to congratulate Frank Brown on his letter. How brave of him to state the views of so many people in such a public way.
Graeme Heal (February 16) has trotted out the same old garbage that has been taught to gullible people for so long, without proof or verification other than an old book of stories written in the dark ages, if one can even believe it was ever supposed to be more than a story. Many scholars of ancient history are disputing the facts of the bible and its interpretation into modern language.
Because a person doesn’t believe in God does not make them any more of a sinner than those that claim to be Christian and commit harm to others (sins) of which Mr Brown gives many examples. Non Christians can live a sin free life too! The other point is ‘heaven and hell’. I have no fear of hell as I don’t believe there is such a place. I also believe we make our own heaven here on earth by loving and helping our fellow man and living a good life. Get off your high horse Mr Heal, atheists are no more doomed or sinful for their lack of religion, as you would have us believe, than the religious preachers.
Free speech frees the soul to truly be oneself.

Leonie Miller