Ed cooks up a culinary storm

Celebrity chef Ed Halmagyi, also known as Fast Ed, had the crowd at the Stanthorpe Apple and Grape Harvest Festival in fits of laughter.
Fast Ed from Seven’s Better Homes and Gardens had festival goers enthralled in his cooking demonstrations with not just his obvious culinary talents but with constant jokes.
He continued this jovial nature during Saturday’s grape crush when he was more than happy to pour grape juice over his competitors and join in the food fight.
“I’ve had a bunch of fun here. I’m having a great time,” Fast Ed said. “I love to meet people and get out there.”
He also enjoyed sampling and using local produce in his cooking demonstrations on Saturday morning.
“The (Stanthorpe) apple I had this morning was spectacular. I’ve only been able to have a couple of glasses of wine,” Fast Ed told the Southern Free Times on Saturday.
He also participated in the grand parade.

Story: Rebecca Brown