Allora saddles up for growing cattle drive

It may not be quite as arduous as the legendary Patsy Durack’s epic 3000 mile cattle drive that left Queensland for the Kimberleys in Western Australia in 1885 on a two-year trek with 8000 cattle, but the Allora Cattle Drive is progressing in almost epic proportions throughout the Allora district.
The subject of the Allora Cattle Drive is now well known and discussed throughout the Allora area, the latest in a line of fundraisers that are paving the way for a modern medical centre to be built at 45 Herbert Street, Allora, on land that was very virtually gifted to the Allora Medical Support Group Inc by former owners Southern Cross Care.
While Allora residents Bruce and Cathie Wilson can take the accolades for the notion of a fundraising cattle drive, their only concern is that the money raising venture that has enveloped the Best Little Town on the Downs and its surrounds plays a significant role in the financing and ongoing maintenance of a new medical facility.
Another community stalwart is Peter Cavanagh who operates a dairy farm at Kital east from Allora. Peter has donated $1000 cash to the cattle drive fundraiser and has no doubts Allora will achieve its medical centre goal.
“Rural communities need doctors; it puts a lot of pressure on the town without them,” Mr Cavanagh said.
To say Bruce and Cathie Wilson’s son Garry Wilson is a “cattle man on a mission” is an understatement; Garry dedicating endless time and energy of late driving the cattle drive and leading a willing and enthusiastic band of community members trying to maximise the drive’s financial gain.
Garry has taken his efforts to another level as he promotes the cattle drive, which has attracted $13,400 to date in cash donations and 15 donated cattle to be auctioned by stock and station agent Mick Nowlan at the Warwick Saleyards on Tuesday, March 13.
Allora Medical Support Group (AMSG) chairman Jon Constable is not only amazed at the commitment of the Wilson family and supporters who are doing such a tremendous job with the cattle drive auction, but the community as a whole, with many giving sterling support in any way they can, and many giving generously to what they consider to be an essential cause for Allora and its future.
Another bonus for the AMSG is the handover of funds raised in aid of a medical centre as a result of the Allora Mega New Year’s Eve Party organised by Ted Cowley and the Allora Show Society.
The handover function and auction of donations other than cattle to the Allora Cattle Drive Auction will be held at the Allora Sports Club tomorrow evening with a sausage sizzle and entertainment.
Indeed Allora appears to have taken to the cattle drive auction and what it stands for like a horse takes to oats, with organisers fielding major donations of fuel, services, goods and produce to be auctioned, as well as monetary donations of two, three and four figure sums.
To participate in the auction, all you need do is complete a vendor’s registration form, and deliver the donated cattle to the Allora Saleyards on Sunday or Monday or contact Garry Wilson on (07) 4666 3231 to arrange for your cattle to be collected.
Please note that registrations close at 5pm Monday.