RSL Social Bowls Club

We had 15 players on the green Sunday morning, which was great to see, and gave us enough for two games of pairs and one of triples. Dos Rock and Eunice Buckel played half a game each. The winners on the day were Ron Bone and Darcy Furness. Conditions of play were,5 for a win and 1 for an end. Scores were as follows D Furness and R Bone, 19,def. B Sommerville and D Laverick, 1. G Osborne and M Thompson, 12,def D Muucahy and B Buckel, 2. I Wright ,J Featherstone and R Rock, 14,def. E Buckel, D Rock, M Laverick and M Wright, 5. I shall be away for a couple of weeks and our Vice President, Bill Buckel will be looking after things in my absence. There won’t be any bowls next Sunday, our next bowling day will be Sunday March 18.Dates to remember Friday, March 30, club dinner at the Chung Hing, 6.30pm start; Sunday April 1, a full day at Millmerran, the list is on the notice board; May 26-27 our weekend at Tweed heads. We need more names for this one, the list is on the board; June 17 breakfast and bowls at Tannymorel, more about this one later.