Glenn Henry withdraws

In December, Glenn Henry announced he was running as a candidate for the Southern Downs Regional Council election, however, he has withdrawn from the April election.
“For many years I have suffered from depression. It has been a frustrating battle, as it manifests in different ways at unexpected times,” Mr Henry said.
“Stress, anxiety and mood swings can be physically and mentally draining, and sap my motivation. At other times I have been on top of my game, and when I made my announcement in December I felt fine.
“But the recent months have been hard. It is particularly frustrating when I make plans but can’t bring myself to follow through,” he said.
“A number of excellent candidates have come forward, and I will leave it to them. I would not want to take votes away from these candidates, who I think will do a fine job. I wish them all well.
“Thank you to those people who offered their encouragement, and the many people I have met and spoken with. Also thank you to those who criticised me, I have learned from it.
“If any readers feel depressed, I encourage you to talk about it, especially with your loved ones and your doctor. I also recommend the Beyond Blue website for information.
“I try to count my blessings, and feel very lucky to have Sandy’s support,” Mr Henry said.