In response to Jamie

You are so right Jamie, I totally agree that freedom of belief is very necessary to human beings. But why does it only go one way? Voice an opinion about religion and you are immediately shouted down.
But you are wrong about my knowledge of religion. I was raised by a mother who took us to Sunday School and Church twice a day every Sunday of our childhood. She believed that she would go to heaven and be with her God, right up till her death in 2009. After 88 years of belief, I sincerely and truly hope she found her heaven.
I followed religion until I was old enough to question the teachings, and remember sitting in church with my husband and three children in 1976, while the minister shook his finger at us all and said “You are ALL Sinners” I sat back and said “Hey! Speak for yourself, mate. What right do you have to accuse me and my innocent children of being sinners?”
Sin as defined by the Oxford Dictionary: Breaking of a religious or moral law, act which does this. Serious fault or offence. In my book, sin is unjustly or deliberately hurting another person by word or action.
You have said I am incorrect about the bible, that is your belief and the belief of every Christian. Doesn’t make it right!
Why are people so afraid of death? What does it matter if there is no afterlife? Who wants to live on forever? I certainly don’t.
And I don’t need the threat of hell to keep me on track. My own conscience does that quite nicely, thank you.
Great letter Erin, good to see some people still have a sense of humour.

Leonie Miller