Plea for help

The Warwick Hockey Association has overcome the devastation last year’s floods caused to its facilities and now the organisation is calling on the community for help in an important role to kickstart the sport again.
The fields were ruined during the flood events and, after months of hard work, the association is ready to start afresh.
However, it is in desperate need for a volunteer canteen convenor to organise the ordering of stock and supervise those who are rostered on in the canteen.
Liaison officer for the flood recovery committee Sheryl Windle said the canteen was an important part of the association’s income base.
“It’s an important part of our livelihood. You don’t have to have a hockey background. If you’re happy to volunteer, we would welcome you with open arms,” Ms Windle said.
She said the position would be ideal for an unemployed person looking for work experience, a pensioner who wants to remain active, or a TAFE student wanting hospitality experience.
“This role can be a lot of fun and open up avenues to meet friendly people. I have been a volunteer with the Warwick Hockey Association Inc since 1981 and I do it because I have a passion for the sport, but also because it is a very rewarding experience to be a volunteer.”
If interested, contact Michelle Eastwell on 0408 612 823.

Story: Rebecca Brown