Canadian foursomes and patrons day

The Warwick Golf Club scheduled something a little different for members on Saturday – A Canadian foursome event.

By Casey O'Connor

The Warwick Golf Club scheduled something a little different for members on Saturday – A Canadian foursome event. The somewhat quirky round attracted a good field of 50 keen players and was sponsored by Warwick Junior Golf.

The winners by a comfortable margin (almost six shots) were Rhys Farrell and Michael Watt. Their winning score was 65.25 and the margin one of the most convincing of the season. The score, a pretty fair indication that both played very well.

Michael Banks and Garry Adcock (68.25) picked up the runner’s up voucher. Michael Banks once again figuring at the top of the leader board without grabbing the major prize – law of averages says a win cannot be far away.

Harold Byrne and Jason Owens (69.25), Don Stewart and Tony Kahler (69.5), Matthew Penn and Sean Haynes (70.5) all figured in the rundown.

Many of the same name figured prominently among those who had success at the Pin shots.

The pro pin on 13 went to Matty Penn who collected five balls, Rhys Farrell four, Harold Byrne three and Peter Balfour one. The pin at the fifth went the way of Wayne Wells. At the seventh was Geoff Lee (a new member) who had success. The pins at the seventh and nineth went to Slim Eldridge and Michael Watt respectively.

Sunday was Patron’s Day and long serving Patron Rodney Macdonald joined the committee and members for the presentations. Having held the position for many years, Rodney announced this will be his final year as Patron. Prior to accepting the role of Patron Rodney served seven terms as club President and his efforts and other years on the committee. His contribution to the club over many years has been greatly appreciated.

The format for Patron’s Day was 4BBB Stableford. Taking the honours on the day were Joely Singleton and Don Warrener who returned an excellent score of 48 points – four shots clear of their nearest rivals.

Following a countback, the runners up on 44 were Terri Gilbert and William Martin. Both are relatively new players so well done to them. Featuring in the run down were Danny and Anne Lyons, Marg and Garry Adcock, Tony and Majella Kahler and Cassandra Connal and Brendan Landrigan.

Pin shots went to Margaret Adcock (5th), Darrell Bain (7th), Brendan Landrigan (9th), Majella Kahler (11th), Don Stewart (13th) and Anne Lyons (16th).

Once again, this weekend there is another double header scheduled. On Saturday, Members will be playing a stableford sponsored by the Condy Club and then Sunday is the Greenkeepers Day. A two ball Ambrose with shotgun starts at 7.30am and 11.30am. Big fields are expected to be the order of the day again next weekend. Players are encouraged come dressed in yellow for the Ambrose event on the Sunday.