Letters to the editor

This week's letter to the editor asks questions of Cr McNally.

Questions for Cr Jo McNally

At the Council meeting on 29th October you claimed that all the Councillors had a conflict of interest in the sports association vote. By doing this you orchestrated that no Councillor was left standing to accept the Declarations from the other 8 and allow enough of them to stay and do their jobs. The jobs they were elected to do. A quorum is 5 Councillors I believe and at the meeting of the 13th October you allowed 8 Councillors to stay in the room. What changed in two weeks Cr Jo? Was it the fact that you have a serious complaint against you right now? There was a path forward and you chose to shut down democracy in the Chambers. It appears like you decided if you had an issue you were going to use the scatter gun and shoot everyone else down. Now a key financial decision is going to be made by a senior Council staff member. I’m sorry but I don’t think is good enough as I didn’t see the staff member’s name on a ballot paper I voted with last year.

I believe that after the Council meeting you decided to leave immediately and not attend the very important Southern Downs financial assessment session run by the senior Council staff for all the Councillors. Why did you and a couple of your colleagues depart work early? You went from the Council to the Warwick clay target club for some recreation I believe.

So. Cr Jo you shot down the other 8 councillors, you left work early and you went shooting at your club. Is this the action of a responsible elected Councillor? Remember what Sir Joh once said; ‘if you fly with the crows you get shot with the crows’!

E. Smith, Stanthorpe