Condamine Country Art and Open Studio Trail kicks off this weekend

Willow Art Gallery, Killarney. Photo by Samantha Bennett Photography.

Returning after the inaugural event last year, the Condamine Country Art and Open Studio Trail (CCART) provides local artists within our community with an opportunity to reveal their process and share their inspiration in a very authentic way.

The concept is not a new one, however, people who love art have an insatiable hunger for the stories behind the paintings and sculptures.

CCART returns in 2021on the 6th and 7th of November. There are more artists and artisans working in this region than people are aware of and, by opening their studios to the public, they share their work and also highlight the stunning countryside and quaint small villages where they are located.

CCART 2021 introduces three new studios in the east of the Southern Downs Region creating an easy driving loop starting at Swan Creek through Emu Vale and Killarney and lastly back to Warwick via Loch Lomond.

The Swan Creek School of Arts Hall, a destination in itself, will be the venue for Helen McConville’s and her quirky metal sculptures made from recycled metals.

Frogs Hollow Retreat at Emu Vale will offer colour and creativity in the most delightful setting. Neighbours Dianne Kelly and Loretta Grayson are both very successful and popular artists who have huge social media audiences. We are thrilled to feature them both on our trail and a visit to their studio is a must!

The Willow Gallery at Killarney will feature Dawn Head Rose and Jayne Deshon as resident artists as well as many other local artists represented in the artist run space. Jayne calls herself a “slow stitcher” and her beautiful technique inspired by traditional Japanese needlework will be worth seeing.

Donna Hey is an expert candle maker with a purpose built studio “Windyhaze Creations” overlooking the magnificent Great Dividing Range.

The drive between the studios is considered an equal part of the delight of our Trail as you meander through small villages and flourishing countryside.

In Warwick the place to begin the art adventuring is Warwick Art Gallery where artist Dom Intelisano will create magic on concrete with his three-dimensional illusion chalk art. Inside the Gallery former local and internationally accomplished artist Trisha Lambi will be artist in residence. Her work The Ballet Roche won the Warwick Art Prize in 2009 and is one of 50 works from the Southern Downs Regional Council Collection at the Gallery.

A new venue to the Trail is Art @ the Precinct where Sue Hamlet will demonstrate her vibrant and uplifting painting techniques. Sue will be painting on the shaded deck of the gallery.

Warwick artist Christopher Hulme opens his mosaic studio to the public for a second year along with oil painter Nikki Malone. Nikki’s studio is picture perfect surrounded by a lovely family garden.

Four members of the Warwick Artists Group will be in residence at the Willi Street home of the artist group that celebrates their 60th year in 2022. Painters Juanita Faint and Judy Curry alone with printmakers Jill Birtwistle and Eileen Mair will be on hand to talk about their practice and encourage visitors to get creative.

A location map of all the studios and other places of interest will be available from Warwick Art Gallery soon. Details about the artists and studios are also on the Trail website