Editor’s Desk

Dominique "Mini" Tassell.

By Dominique Tassell

What a week it’s been covering the rodeo!

I felt like there was so much going on at the rodeo that I needed about twelve of me to cover it all, but I thoroughly enjoyed every minute. Getting to tag along with “our local royalty” was an absolute delight, and seeing the behind-the-scenes of these sorts of events is always an eye-opener.

It was really nice to sit back and enjoy the event at the end of the week once most of the reporting was out of the way, too, and I also really enjoyed eating my dagwood dog- or pluto pup?- I haven’t had one of those since I was probably about ten.

Rodeo wasn’t the only thing happening in the region this week, though, and another reason I wish there were about twelve of me is so I could have attended GBART as well!

In this week’s paper, we also have an article highlighting the local sentiment regarding the new road situation in Warwick CBD. Personally, I agree with the locals.

From the get-go, I thought that the road situation was an accident waiting to happen. When I sat in on the recent information session where it was discussed, I couldn’t help but think that it was all a bit illogical. If it looks like a crossing, people will treat it as such.

Most of the Councillors said the same thing in that meeting: “oh well, everyone treats it like a crossing anyway so we’re good”.

Um, no.

While the locals of Warwick are nice, courteous people, the fact of the matter is that people are now allowed to go through that area at 40 km/h without stopping for pedestrians according to the signage.

One councillor said to me that no one goes 40 km/h there anyway, which is simply untrue.

Need I include a picture of the skid marks around the statue?

I’m not personally against the new speed limit, but the fact of the matter is that the signage on crossings is currently incredibly unclear and has the potential to cause a terrible situation that no one wants to see.

-Mini Tassell