My weekend

On Saturday William and his dad went to The Summit to do some of the Granite Belt Art and Craft Trail.

By William Lister

On Saturday me and Dad went to The Summit to do some of the Granite Belt Art and Craft Trail.

When I got there there were these ladies all doing a lesson on how to make cards to give to people.

After their class finished the ladies let me make a card so I got to make a card for my mum saying how much I love her.

I glued different types of paper on it and did drawings and made it nice.

I really like drawing and colouring in and there was this humungous set of colouring in pens with all of the colours and I really liked drawing and writing to mum with them.

On the way home dad and me went to Maccas and I had my favourite cheeseburger but I get it without any pickles on it because they’re gross.

After we got home dad promised we could do a camp so we set up the tent and everything in the paddock and it was great.

But we didn’t have a fire because it rained but we stayed dry and Norman and Granville (our cats) even came into the tent to snuggle because camping is fun even for cats too.

On Sunday we went to the Stanthorpe RSL to watch the band play and they tried to get my dad to join the band to be the triangle player but he’s not good enough so he didn’t.