November monthly medal

Members of the Warwick Golf Club teed off in the John Dee sponsored Monthly Medal, a stroke event.

By Casey O'Connor

Members of the Warwick Golf Club teed off in the John Dee sponsored Monthly Medal, a stroke event. A field of 68 began but only 45 returned cards with many caught in the mid-afternoon downpour.

The afternoon drenching did not dampen winner Mitch McLennan’s excellent 65 nett, (74 off the stick). He finished three shots clear of his nearest opponent, regular Clifton visitor Jay Roberts (68). Mitch may be a contender for the club championship against brother Kris if his level of improvement continues.

The runner up in the Division One Medal was Rhys Farrell. His nett 70 representing a four over off the stick.

Peter Gribbin who shot 69 was the second division winner. Th same score was also returned by Jamie Ollerton but as Jamie is a ‘flexi’ member he is not eligible to win the monthly medal and scored the runner up voucher in that division.

In the run down Jay Roberts (68) won a ball as did Ross Newton and Rod Hansen (70). Others to win balls were Clayton Frank, Derrick Hewitt, Eddy Raets and Tony Kahler who all returned nett 71.

At the Pro Pin on the 13th, Doug Wilson won six balls with a great shot. Not that the most prolific ball winner in the club needs to add more to his stash. Dave Speedy was next best claiming four balls while Slim Eldridge collected three, Chris Hynes two and Tony Kahler and Sean and Cody Haynes a ball each.

Peter Farrell was NTP at the fifth; Don Warrener the seventh and Rhys Farrell the ninth. The 11th was won by Wayne Wells and the 16th by Ross Newton who, with a few games under Golfers will be back on the fairway on Saturday playing a Single Stableford.