Leyburn locals feel their voices ignored

Leyburn locals at the recent Connecting with Council meeting stated that the community feels disconnected and unrepresented by SDRC.

By Dominique Tassell

Leyburn locals at the recent Connecting with Council meeting stated that the community feels disconnected and unrepresented by Southern Downs Regional Council (SDRC).

Locals detailed multiple issues they had that needed addressing, which will all be explored in future editions of this newspaper.

The takeaway, though, was that they felt their voice was being ignored.

On multiple issues brought up to SDRC locals highlighted that they felt their thoughts, or entire conversations, had been ignored.

Councillors at times had no knowledge of the issues locals were talking about, when there had been clear SDRC involvement already.

Lynnette O’Neill, who was present at the meeting, stated online that it was a shame that neither the Mayor nor councillors could answer the problems facing Leyburn when they visited.

“Another huge lack of communication with no idea of what is NOT going on here,” she said.

Locals stated they want a town representee, someone who knows the area and can communicate with SDRC for them.

This started discussions on divisions in the region; the topic was also discussed at the previous Connecting with Council meeting in Allora.

SDRC Mayor Vic Pennisi stated at the Allora meeting that SDRC has committed to having a conversation on this issue.

SDRC has agreed to go to community engagement in relation to divisions and what the community feels about divisions.

Then, based on community sentiment, they will make a recommendation to the state government.

He stated that the topic of divisions has been raised to previous councils, and this council is committed to discussing it.

“But it will depend on what everybody thinks about that.”

It was also discussed by locals outside of the meeting, that as an alternative to a representative for the town a small halls or small towns alliance could be formed to better communicate village sentiment to SDRC and to share information with each other.