Busy on the green

The Warwick Bowls club recently hosted the Bing Hansen sponsored bowls afternoon and attracted a good field.

By Casey O'Connor

The Warwick Bowls club recently hosted the Bing Hansen sponsored bowls afternoon and attracted a good field. The overall winners were Max Balfour and Max Holder following a comprehensive 27-13 win over Darryl Cooper and Russell Bean.

In other games Pam Kerr, Ray Schnitzerling and James White defeated Pat Seipelt, Tony Pritchard and Roger Cavanagh 19-11. Sponsor of the event, Bing Hansen along with his offsiders Gerda Brack and Brian Black had an 18-12 win over Cheryl Cooper, Darryl Phillips and Richard Tartan.

The club is most grateful to Bing Hansen for his continued sponsorship of these events.

The club’s monthly Triples event was played on Tuesday (2 Nov) and despite clashing with a little known Melbourne race ten teams participated. The overall winners were Tim Gallagher, Craig Thurgate and Max Holder who had a 14-5 win in round one and followed up in round two with a win by a similar margin. Taking the runner’s up position were Kay Bloomfield, Ray Schnitzerling and Terry Banditt. Last past the post was the Summit team. The day was another wonderful team effort by the hardworking greenkeepers, the barman and the ladies in the kitchen who provided a great lunch.

This past week’s night bowls fell foul of the weather. A very informal ‘cup of tea‘ and Pat’s cooking were enjoyed by those who there ready and eager to play before the rain arrived. Lots to look forward to in November:-

Sat 13 Club Selected Fours – All teams play at 10am.

Wed 14 K.F.C. Sponsored bowls.

Sat 20 C/S Fours continues and Social bowls.

Wed 24 Bing Hansen sponsored afternoon.

Thurs 25 W.B.C’s Christmas Dinner Party at the Stockyard Tavern. All Member and their partners are invited to attend.( Time: 6pm for 6.30pm.) Please add your names to the Christmas Poster on the Events Board next to the Office as numbers are required for catering or Ring Trish or leave her a message (07 46670990).

Sat. 27 Social Bowls and C/S Fours continue.