No community consultation

State Member for Northern Tablelands Richard Torbay sought answers in parliament last week to his question about the current application for a Petroleum Special Prospecting Authority (PSPA) that covers almost the entire Northern Tablelands.
Mr Torbay’s question to the Minister for Resources and Energy was: “Will the Minister publish details, commit to community consultation and also highlight any conflicts with the Strategic Land Use Plan regarding the application for a Petroleum Special Prospecting Authority in the Northern Tablelands?”
While not providing a direct answer to the question, Mr Torbay said he welcomed confirmation by the Minister that an application for a PSPA does exist and has been lodged for gas and petroleum exploration, which could include coal seam gas.
“It is something at least to have the government confirming the existence of this application over most of the Northern Tablelands and inland NSW electorates,” he said.
“However, it is of great concern that the Minister confirmed there would be no community consultation until initial exploration has taken place.
“I have also placed a further 10 detailed questions on notice for the Minister to provide responses and they are due to be delivered at the beginning of May.
“My office has been contacted by many community members seeking answers and consultation on this important issue and I will continue asking questions about this application and its potential impact on the community.
“I am particularly keen to know how this application is processing against the Strategic Land Use Plan and whether deficiencies exist in the application of this policy.”
Mr Torbay said it is important the community have access to as much information about this process as possible.
“I think when you see a claim over such a significant area there should be the opportunity for the community to have a say at the earliest opportunity,” he said.