Call for directors

Apple and Grape Harvest Festival president Keith Barnett said this week that the committee have received many glowing reports about this year’s festival.
“We have received many wonderful comments from a variety of visitors, locals, stallholders and businesses in the region who thought the festival was a great success,” Mr Barnett said.
“We hope the community enjoyed all the highlights especially the Ball where Mackenzie Elliott 2012 Festival Ambassador and Gianna Zanatta 2012 Fundraising Ambassador were announced, the Grand Parade and the Multicultural Food and Wine Fiesta in the park. Thankfully, the weather was on our side!” he said.
“The committee has met for the last time, presenting their final reports. They should feel pleased that they have been part of such a successful festival. So should our many volunteers. The committee thanked them a couple of weeks ago, inviting them to a social evening at the Stanthorpe Sports and Country Club.
“We had several comments from our sponsors regarding the increased media coverage for this festival. “Our three media sponsors, who over 12 months ago presented their ideas and tenders on how they would present the festival to not only locals but to attract the many visitors to the area,” Mr Barnett said.
“It was a tough decision for the committee on how best to spend festival funds and obtain the best possible coverage.
“Channel 7, the Southern Free Times and Rebel FM certainly helped in drawing the crowds to Stanthorpe by presenting the festival in a professional manner.
“We also had a few local magazines publish articles about Stanthorpe and the festival, which we were really pleased to see.
“I’d also like to thank all the local businesses that helped us in the lead up to the festival, again without your help it would be difficult to maintain the quality festival that the locals and visitors have come to expect. To all the Stanthorpe residents a huge thank you, for their patience and help over the weekend.”
The planning for the next festival begins this August at the annual general meeting where nominations for directors will be called.
Seven directors from the 2012 committee have already put up their hands to continue, a great start for the 2014 festival.
If you are interested in becoming a director of this iconic event and are willing to promote your community give the festival office a call on (07) 4681 4111 or email