MP calls for dam

Federal Member for Maranoa Bruce Scott has submitted the proposal for a new Granite Belt dam to the Coalition’s Dams and Water Management Task Group.
Mr Scott said the Emu Swamp Dam project was being reviewed for inclusion on a list of potential new dam sites to take to the next Federal election.
“The process is competitive with only the submissions with the best value on investment being successful and the initial task group response has been favourable,” Mr Scott said.
“There are set project guidelines and I congratulate the Stanthorpe Community Reference Panel on the quality of the submission and the Southern Downs Regional Council on having the foresight to support the panel.”
He said the project had “a long way to go” including further consultation with affected landholders and the process of environmental impact assessment.
Mr Scott applauded the commitment shown by the council, the previous Stanthorpe Shire Council, State Member for Southern Downs Lawrence Springborg and the Stanthorpe Community Reference Panel.
“The Emu Swamp Dam project has been developed over a number of years and the dam will add greater food and population growth security for the region,” he said.
“The Granite Belt’s horticulture, wine and tourism industries are important job creators and a new dam would ensure regional growth.
“However, the Murray-Darling Basin Plan has to be finalised and any releases would need to comply with the basin plan and be consistent with the statutory process.”