Graduation 2021

On Thursday 18th November, 13 Year 12 students from St Joseph’s School Stanthorpe stepped out of the classroom and on to the red carpet, to celebrate their graduation in a formal affair held at the Bathersby Centre.

By St Joseph's School Stanthorpe

Year 12 is bittersweet. There’s stress, late nights and a lot of cramming. But there are also those highly anticipated events like the final athletics carnival, school formal and graduation. On Thursday 18th November, 13 Year 12 students from St Joseph’s School Stanthorpe stepped out of the classroom and on to the red carpet, to celebrate their graduation in a formal affair held at the Bathersby Centre.

Dressed to impress, and with a celebratory tone, the proceedings moved seamlessly from Mass conducted by Fr Gonzo and Deacon Brian at St Joseph’s Catholic Church to a banquet-style dinner catered by Anna’s Restaurant, where students, staff and families could enjoy the evening.

Year 12 Valedictorian, Eric Richards, reflected on the tumultuous circumstances presented to this year’s Seniors through the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, praised his fellow Year 12 students for their resilience, and spoke of the value of friendship and connection between students and staff as the key to success in overcoming adversity.

The evening provided a wonderful opportunity for this year’s graduates to reflect and celebrate their educational journey as individuals, as a community and, most of all, as friends; united together as they graduate, and each preparing to embark on their new chapter of post-school life.

St Joseph’s School would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those involved in making this year’s graduation such a tremendous success, and to wish our Year 12 graduates the best success and luck for the future.